Hi :)
On Monday I went with Kristine, Siri and Silje to the stable again :D it was just as fun as last time we all went :P But I'm just going to let them pictures speak for them self because a picture says more than a 1000 word and also because I don't really know what to write :P so enjoy the pictures :)
Just trotting and minding my own thing...
When suddenly Charlie races past us and Lotte wants to follow....
Aaaaaaand of we gooo...
BANG and I hit the ground
Galloping on Blesa
Kristine and Silje Racing up the hill :)
Are you having fun Silje? :P
And that was it :)
hope you enjoyed the pictures and I will try to post a blog about my winter vacation soon! :P
Så utrolig fine bilder Silje! Likte spess det første :) Hvem står bak kamera? :) Stemmer frem nr 1 frem som DA ID :D Hahaha xD
SvarSlettOi har vist ikke sett denne før nå jeg xD
SvarSlettDet er Siri i klassen min som tar bildene også har jeg redigert de :D
Kanskje på tide at jeg bytte DA ID nå ja :P
Tusen takk for kommentaren da <3