onsdag 1. desember 2010

My best friend ♥

For seven years she has been my support through hard times

For seven years she has been there through every big decision, happenings and changes I have experienced

For seven years she has been like a sister to me

For seven years she has taught me new things

This girl knows me better than I know my self, she's not only a friend but a best friend, the one I trust with my whole heart, the one I'm willing to do every thing for.

Seven years ago I got a friend for life and even though people have tried to separate us we still re mane best friends. we have been through a lot together and everything else that we are going to experience from her on I want to shear with you!

You mean so much to me that I have trouble to put it into words, but I hope you know that I'm never letting you go!

Din baklengse tøs ♥
Best friends for life ♥

2 kommentarer:

  1. OMG Xemny, you're bringing tears to my eyes (and it's history class LOL!)

    But I love you <3
    Hva fikk deg til å randomly skrive en elskepost?XD

    Men ja *tear* <33

  2. Haha aww <3

    Jeg har egentlig hatt lyst til og skrive denne legenge men jeg har bare ikke fått satt meg ned for og få gjort det xD
