fredag 23. desember 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is here :D and I have a lot of blogs to write but I think they have to wait :P now I'm home for my Christmas break and I have had a great time this fare, and now we are watching the night before the night or kvelden før kvelden as it is called in Norwegian :D it's a show where they show how you make food and have different songs for us.
tomorrow it's the 24th of December and that means PRESENTS and food :) and of course spending time with your family and the ones you love!

The last they of school was spent eating good food and watching a show the teachers set up for us, walking around the Christmas tree aaaaaaaand getting a gift from the santa! :D and the next day Sir, Anne Marit and me went home from Christmas :) we had a 6 hours drive ahead of us and we left at 08:30 in the morning but we left with a good mood and that mood followed us for the rest of the trip!
Fun i the car :P it was pretty slippery going up to the mountains and going down again :P so the car lost it's grip some times but we made it home safely :D
Two days ago Me and Saix took a stroll down to the beach to take some pictures and just to get out a little :D

torsdag 13. oktober 2011

Picture time :)

Long time no see huh? :P I really don't have time to blog there just is to much that happens every day and now we also have gotten one horse to train and take care of so now I have even less time to write :P well pictures are more fun anyway :D

Have fun :)

Keeping up the good mood for 7km :)
We slept under the open night sky one night :)
The teachers had a show for us xD
This is how we ride at the school :P

So pretty *_*
Me and Varga

Siri, Anne Marit and me went on a riding trip one day :)
Retard :P
Sophisticated person riding a horse xD
Hlin is "my" horse for the school year :D she is so cuute *_* but the poor thing got kolikk today, but she is better now :)
Two of the horses (Jussi and Rufsa) had a really big fight on Wednesday it was really a fight to the death, but we stopped them luckily and Jussi was the only one who ended up with wounds poor thing!

That was all for now :)

søndag 28. august 2011

The first week

The first week at the boarding school or Folk high school ( you can read more about it here) is over and I have settled down pretty well :) we have mostly been getting to know each other. we are about 55 students here spread out in 4 different courses so it's not a lot of people her :P the days start at 7:50 with breakfast and at 8:30 we have a morning meeting where we get some messages and then around 9:00 we start whit what ever we are going to do that day, then at 11:30 we have lunch and that last for an hour so at 12:30 we go back to what we were doing and at 15:00 we eat dinner and then the school day is over :) and at 19:30 we eat supper and after that we just hang out and play some games or other things :) on Saturday we start a little later and on Sundays we have the day of :D so that's how the days goes, we eat a lot :P

My bathroom it's small but it does the job :P
The exit

My side of the room :)
The riding arena where I will spend a lot of time :)
The wive
The stable where I also will spend a lot of time :)
The Main entrance
More wive :)

Main house
One of many roses :)
Gutabygget where I live :)
My dor is on the left side :)
We also had an evening where everyone who lives in my house were hanging out and getting to know each other :)
More wive
One of many waterfalls here :)

fredag 19. august 2011

Soon moving


So on Sunday I leave for school and this time the trip goes to Lofthus :) not quit sure if this is what I want though... I have kinda been regretting my decisions to go, but in a second I am totally for going again.. It's so tiresome!! (There are reasons for these mood swings though ( and no Tonje it's not because I am a cancer!)) I'll go anyway because I think I just need sometime to get used to the place and get to know my classmates :) so I hope those thoughts of not wanting to go after all goes away after I have lived there for a few days! so because og all this moving I am now packing up my room again and my mom's living room looks like my room on it's worst xD there are cloths and bags everywhere :P good thing she's not home now :)

And in other news I have tons of picture from my horseback riding trip :) so a post about that will come later when I have gotten all the pictures from Siri :)
Oh and I got a Tumblr :D Click here to check it out :) ( I hope you do)

And that is what I have for now :P

fredag 22. juli 2011

Picture time

Just taking some picture

So today have been a special day here in Norway with the bomb explosion in Oslo and the shooting at Utøya. the news channel have been on here the whole day and the whole ting is just so tragic and surreal!
so to just not sit and watch the news I'm posting some pictures Saix and I took the other day :)
Wait are that my leg sticking out there ?
Why hello there kitty who's all up in my face :)
Saix took a picture of taking a picture of her :P well that's original...
I love the mood in this picture
Pretty snail
No dog's in the playground!

Walking away

Such a cute kitty that lives in my neighborhood :)